Loving God, Loving People

Boldly, Humbly, Authentically.

Sunday Service: 10:30 am | 502 E. Melgaard Road, Aberdeen SD

New Location Coming, ​Still the same Experience

Since the inception of The Journey Church, God has provided guidance to fulfill His purpose for The Journey.

Due to sustained growth, we will be moving into a new location.

Regardless of the location, The Journey Church & Journey Kids Daycare will continue to offer the same great experiences Loving God and Loving People Boldly, Humbly, and Authentically!

More details will be released via our Facebook page!


Jesus Christ loves you so much He died for your sins so that you can have life in abundance.

Join us as we seek to follow him by loving God and loving people boldly, humbly, and authentically.

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 

Matthew 22:37-39



Our church serves as a vibrant hub, fostering deep connections within our community. Through various outreach programs, events, and initiatives, we bridge the gap between our congregation and the wider community, cultivating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Whether through volunteer work, charity drives, or hosting events, we strive to embody the values of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our doors are open not just for worship, but also as a welcoming space for community gatherings, discussions, and support networks.

This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,

in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.

Ephesians 3:11-12

We Want to Connect with You!

If you've lived in Aberdeen for decades or you're new to the area, we encourage you to check us out.
God is continually moving in our community and we want you to be part of that!
Location: 502 E. Melgaard Rd, Aberdeen, SD 57401
Phone: (605) 262-0514
Email: office@thejourneyaberdeen.com
Sunday Service: 10:30 am